Friday, October 07, 2005

Let's Try This Again... Go Sox!

Alright... I understand that the Red Sox are playing a very good team in the White Sox, but come on. Let's get it going, guys! They come on in five minutes, so I'm hoping to sit with my hubby and baby and watch the game. We'll see how that goes.

My work email keeps shitting the bed (or as Dan would probably put it, crapping the futon) (that made me chuckle), so I haven't been able to check my email since like 10:30 am. Oh well. Citizens will go one with out me.

I'm going to use that... Crapping the futon. That's really funny.

Per usual, here's a cute new picture of the boy:


fannie said...

erin, liam totally looks like you in this picture!

jocey520 said...

Just watched the game...they lost and are out of the series what the..... they crapped the futon...

before I finish this I must say my word verification is shvit....I have too look twice I thought it was know what I thought it was.