You're Spike! You're definately one foxy
beast!You're smart, but you're too impulsive.
Try and think things through.You're really
lovable and just... neat!
Which Angel character matches your personality?
brought to you by
"I'm beginning to doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion."
I got Drusilla.
I demand a recount.
Stupid Quizilla.
i...i just can't do it!
i'm torn!
It's not Buffy, Annie. You can do it! I believe in you. You can trash Buffy on the quiz too!
i'm lorne. i'm green and am wearing a loud-yet-pleasing top. perhaps this is acceptable.
Annie, if you were to sit down and watch the show for any length of time, I'm pretty sure Lorne would be your favorite character. So you can breathe easy, and feel slightly superior due to the fact that you got a better one than either Erin or I did.
I mean, honestly, Drusilla? Even Fred would've been an improvement.
I'm so sad that I'm not Lorne! He's so fun and loungey! And he says really funny things and sings well! And owns a karaoke bar! And reads minds! How cool is he? At least I could have been Angel... At least he's on my list.
And Bill being Drusilla is REALLY FUNNY. Did you answer a question regarding sanity as, well, not having any???
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