Thursday, November 10, 2005

Angry & Unrepresented

Okay - I'm officially angry at these terrorist assholes.

Yesterday was my anniversary, as stated in the previous blog. Bill and I have been happily married for two years. So I go to my dad's yesterday after work to pick up the boy and I see that there's a whole bunch of bombs that went off in Jordan. I don't really think all that much of it... See, I'm of the opinion that that whole region is screwed and I'm never surprised when bad things happen.

But yesterday was different. The bomb went off at this couple's wedding. They have the same anniversary as me. And during their wedding/reception, the bomber came in and killed their fathers. That pisses me off. I have no problem with these psycho assholes killing themselves, but don't take innocent lives. These dads were just trying to enjoy their son and daughter's wedding and they are viciously murdered. I'm pissed.

I can't imagine if that had happened at my wedding. What would I do without my dad? And Bill without his dad? My dad is one of my best friends??? And my son's best friend! I'm pissed.

I think that public castration is a good form of punishment for these assholes.

I'm angry and unrepresented.
