Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Videos of Liam

Check out my cute kid (and husband), laughing their arses off over the weekend.

Or Liam & my dad hanging out on my birthday.

Or more Liam & Bill laughing over the weekend.

This post is actually about Thanksgiving!

This is Liam on Thanksgiving. He was kind of pooped by this point. He wanted to eat before we went over to my Aunt's for Thanksgiving, so we fed him the requisite (how the hell do you spell that word??) sweet potatoes and peas (along with the rice and oatmeal cereal), so that he could feel a part of the celebration.

All in all, Thanksgiving was fun. We ate lots of good food and spent time with the fam, which is always important. Bill and I hung out with Liam in the morning and let him play in his Exersaucer (he loves to poop in his Exersaucer) and just relaxed. Bill and I both had Wed - Sat off and I had Sunday and Monday, as well. It was so nice to have some time to relax. Only 15 more working days until my Christmas vacation! I think I can make it!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving! Eat Lemonheads!

So I just discovered that MTV is good for something. I know, I know. It's certainly not music videos or songs by white people, but it has a little something I like to call mtv.com. Yeah! mtv.com actually shows music videos! By white people! Like Juliana Hatfield and The Lemonheads. It's not all bumpin' and grindin' and crunkin' and dunkin'. And whatever. Do you all remember when white people used to make music. It was 1994, I believe.

So yeah... And The Lemonheads have some big celebs in their videos! Angelina Jolie and Amy Smart are in "It's About Time." Chloe Sevigny is in "Big Gay Heart."

I really would like a Lemonheads DVD to come out with all of their videos. I'm on a Lemonheads kick lately!

I think that Evan Dando rules. It's just too bad that he was/is (?) such a druggie. He had such a sweet voice and a cute country-type sound to him, that is refreshing in some of the hard-grungy type music of the day. I like to think that he and Juliana were truly meant for each other, in a sort of poetic Romeo & Juliet, destined for bad things type of way, but all in all, lovers in a dangerous time, type of thing.

Off to watch more videos! Come see!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

If you like Sarge - Comment me!

I was looking at my counter stats (I'm now mildly obsessed) and I saw that someone found my site through asking for lyrics to "I Took You Driving" by Sarge. Well - I love Sarge! And no one has ever HEARD of Sarge... So please - comment me, if you have heard of Sarge and indeed, enjoy their music. I'm sad they're no longer around. All of the good things go away - Like "Covington Cross" and "Swan's Crossing." Damn it.

I would really like Juliana Hatfield to become my friend

I am so impressed with Juliana Hatfield. She's got to be the most talented singer/songwriter/guitarist/rockin' chick ever. Screw Janis Joplin and all these other drugged out people who "died before their prime." No... Try killed themselves with drugs and were always losers (ie. Kurt Cobain - loser).

But not Jules. I love her. She has the cutest little voice that just reminds you of a little girl asking for candy and holding her dad's hand. But she's also ferocious when she wants to be. And timid. And confused. Above all else, she's human. She has never come across as anything but herself.

I've seen her live numerous times. From 1994 through 2004. She did a Newbury Comics in-store performance, where I got to meet her. I was shell shocked. She is my idol. I couldn't speak. Luckily, I had Bill there with me (Jules is partly the reason why we even became friends in the first place) and he helped me gush that she had been my most FAVORITE singer ever since I was 16. I was totally star struck. We took pictures of her and her dog. We went to see her at T T the Bear (I think) in Cambridge two (?) years ago and she walked right past me. She's sooo thin. Like a china doll. A tall china doll. I want to feed her hamburgers and give her a hug. Bill and I used "Might Be In Love" as our wedding song. I want to sit down with her and find out about her life. I want to know who she loves and what she hates and how she comes up with the hooks and swings in her songs.

Juliana, if you're out there. I'm a good person and I think you are a good person and I think we should be friends. You're beautiful.

Monday, November 21, 2005

The cup smelleth like pee

My water bottle smells like urine. It's making me kind of nervous, so I'm not drinking out of it today. I left it at work all weekend. You never know with these crazy banker types.

So we went over to Pam & Brian's on Saturday night for dinner. It was an enjoyable time, save my complete and total allergic reaction to their cats. I don't know what it is. With cats I'll usually have a slight reaction... An a-choo here, an a-choo there, nothing too bad. With their cats, I have a complete sinus breakdown from the minute I step in their house to the minute I leave, gasping for air and needing to go home and go right to bed. But it was still very enjoyable. Emma is 3 1/2 months older than Liam and they are SO ADORABLE together. Here are some photos for your visual enjoyment!

Emma was very interested in Liam's Dino toy. Yes, this is the infamous Dino! Liam loves Dino!

Emma is a very aggressive little girl and immediately took Dino - Liam kind of looked up at me like, "mommy?" But they ended up sharing very well.

Liam & Emma are such good friends! Emma likes to hold Liam's hand.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Happy Un-birthday to Liam!

I'm not terribly creative with my blog titles. I guess I could call the blog something completely random, like "Feuding coffee cups" or "The crosses on a calendar," but that's all I can think of when I look at my desk. I'm not terribly creative anymore. I used to be. I used to write poetry (really really BAD poetry) all the time and little short stories and make up scenes in my mind, but I've turned unbearably analytical. Give me an Excel document with a bunch of data and let me go to town. I'll turn it into a Pivot table faster than you can say "what the hell is a Pivot table?"

Anyway! It was Liam's five-month birthday yesterday. I was busy with work related items yesterday during the day and got to take a bunch of pictures of him last night, so here are some updated Liam photos for your pleasure!

Liam was just maxin' and relaxin' in his pack 'n' play when I got home from work.

Dad found it incredibly entertaining to take a photo of Liam trying to "eat" from a big ladel (ladle?) spoon. Liam is adorable.

This is Liam sticking his tongue out, while I'm trying to take a nice photo of him. I'm getting stressed, because I am making our Christmas cards this year and I want to take a nice photo of Liam to put on the front of the card and he HATES the camera. Like ridiculous. Either that, or he's watched too much ANTM with me and is instead trying to feign indifference in the hopes of becoming America's Next Top Model.

I find this photo to be completely adorable, except for the devil eyes. Oh well. My son is Damian. But at least he's a cute Damian!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Best Friends!

Yeah! It's my dad and Liam on my birthday. We had just given him a bath and I put him in his hippo outfit. It's so cute! Liam's been doing so well. He loves to eat! He's had rice and oatmeal and now we've introduced applesauce and sweet potatoes and now we're starting him on bananas. It will be peas next week! I think he's going to lose his mind on Thanksgiving... All of these people eating food and he can't take part!! I'll have to bring extra baby food with me, just so he doesn't freak! He just stares at you, if you're eating. He absolutely loves to watch people eat. He's so cute!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Happy Un-birthday to me!

Yeah! Yesterday was my birthday, but since I never have the inclination to play on my computer at home (nevermind trying to find the time to put the baby in the exersaucer and NOT have him flip out when I leave the room for 5 seconds to check my email), so I had to wait til I got to work.

My birthday started off rather wretched, but have no fear, it got better.

I went to North Conway on Friday with my mom to do a bunch of Christmas shopping. We stayed over Friday night and took MAJOR advantage of the sales tax free shopping. Wow... My mom has a Volvo with a HUGE trunk and large backseat and it was COMPLETELY FILLED with Christmas presents. So we came home on Saturday afternoon, so that we could celebrate my birthday that night, since Bill has to work on Sundays.

So we left North Conway at around 12:07 (I'm particular) and were making great time down 16 heading home. Then we got past Ossipee and we see a few cars stopped and a little further up, an ambulance. Okay - people are gawking. I'm from RI, I realize this happens. No... They had STOPPED TRAFFIC on the ONLY ROAD TO AND FROM NORTH CONWAY on a HOLIDAY WEEKEND, because there was a three car accident in the ditch. Apparently there was also some glass in the road. So we sat... and sat... and sat... and sat... in the car... for... an... HOUR! What the Christ? Seriously people. I've seen tractor trailers flip over on 195 and spew gas all over the road and I still got by in like 15 minutes! What... Did they have Michael Brown managing this accident? Good Job, Brownie! So I walked up a bit to see the accident, as did many other people, and apparently they had cleared a way, but still weren't allowing any cars. My efficient nature was severely punished that day. So after sitting for an hour, we finally got moving again.

So we finally got back to RI around 5 and we met Bill and Liam at my parent's house. We had a nice dinner, take-out from Gregg's, with The Giving Cake for dessert. Then we got home. Well... It was a bit chilly - no Maine/New Hampshire butt-ass freezing, but still... pretty chilly. So I went to turn up the heat. I got changed, fed the baby, watched some ANTM, and an hour later, as I'm getting ready to go to bed, I look at my clock, which has a thermometer, and it says 59. It was 59 degrees in my house? I have a newborn! This can't be! So I look at the thermostat and I had put it up to 68 and it was still around 60. Not good.

So Bill went downstairs and re-booted the furnace. It made some horrible noises, came on for a minute and then turned off again. Shit. So I went down - handy-girl that I am (NOT), pushed the reboot button, heard the horrible noises, accompanied by a PLUME of WHITE SMOKE out of our furnace and panicked. My child is going to freeze to death tonight, the house is going to catch on fire, there are lima beans under my fingernails... You know. My normal panic attack. So I'm freaking out and I'm pissed off, because I just want to sleep and enjoy my night before my birthday.

So we give up and I go to put a blanket and hat on the baby and he's nice and snuggled and warm, so I really don't have that much to worry about, but I still do. I wake up at 6:30 in the morning and it's 54 degrees in my room, according to my clock. Jesus. So I call my dad and he comes over to tell us we're screwed. Thanks, Dad. So Bill calls the landlord. I don't call the landlord. I hate the landlord. He tells us that he's on his way out, but we should call Charles o'Moron, the ass who (ha... I wrote whole at first) first installed the furnace. So Bill calls Charles o'Moron and we get his answering machine, which again, sends me into a panic and I put Liam into a winter suit, so that he resembled the little boy in "A Christmas Story" and was supremely unhappy about it. So I got my stuff together and went over to my parents with Liam, after Charles o'Moron finally called back to let us know that he would be over in "about an hour." Bill stayed at the house to play the role of concerned father figure. I don't play that role well.

So Charles o'Moron found that the oil filter was all shitted out and it should be cleaned once a year. Did you all know that??? Apparently it blocked all of the oil from actually getting to the furnace, which was what was causing us to have to re-boot the house every five minutes.

So I had a very stressful birthday morning. Then Jill came by and took me to see "Jarhead" and have lunch at Smokey Bones. "Jarhead" was VERY GOOD. Not just because Jake Gyllenhaal is a god among men, but because the acting was phenomenal and the story was intriguing. It is certainly a movie that will spark discussion... Discussion such as... "When did this movie take place?" "Was it 1990 or three days ago?" "I forget... Who is our enemy now?"

Then I spent more time with the boy at my parent's house. I was bloody tired and had to get into work a butt-ass o'clock this morning to do an upgrade, so I went to be early after watching "Reunion." Damn, that's a good show!

Wow... This is probably the longest post EVER in the history of blogs. I'm sorry.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Angry & Unrepresented

Okay - I'm officially angry at these terrorist assholes.

Yesterday was my anniversary, as stated in the previous blog. Bill and I have been happily married for two years. So I go to my dad's yesterday after work to pick up the boy and I see that there's a whole bunch of bombs that went off in Jordan. I don't really think all that much of it... See, I'm of the opinion that that whole region is screwed and I'm never surprised when bad things happen.

But yesterday was different. The bomb went off at this couple's wedding. They have the same anniversary as me. And during their wedding/reception, the bomber came in and killed their fathers. That pisses me off. I have no problem with these psycho assholes killing themselves, but don't take innocent lives. These dads were just trying to enjoy their son and daughter's wedding and they are viciously murdered. I'm pissed.

I can't imagine if that had happened at my wedding. What would I do without my dad? And Bill without his dad? My dad is one of my best friends??? And my son's best friend! I'm pissed.

I think that public castration is a good form of punishment for these assholes.

I'm angry and unrepresented.


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It's My Anniversary!

Yeah for Bill and I! We've made it! Two years and counting! I must say, this has certainly been the best two years of my life. I married my best friend and we have the most wonderful child in the whole wide world. It's pretty great. I'm just sad that I don't get to go to Iceland and Scotland every year!

And on that note (not really)...

You are Mike Teavee! There is nothing that can
match your logic; at least, you think so. While
you may have higher grades or have more book
smarts then others, you shouldn't think that
your better then others. Also, try to use that
brain of yours on something other then
electronics. "Why don't you try simply
reading a book? Or do you just stop there to

What Child of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I find this quiz suspect.

You're Spike! You're definately one foxy
beast!You're smart, but you're too impulsive.
Try and think things through.You're really
lovable and just... neat!

Which Angel character matches your personality?
brought to you by http://quizilla.com

Monday, November 07, 2005

Some of my favorite lyrics

So I just downloaded three Lemonheads CDs onto my iPod and started listening to them. The song "The Outdoor Type" has one of my new favorite song lyrics, so I figured that I would post a few of my other favorites as well:

The Lemonheads - "The Outdoor Type" - I can’t go away with you on a rock climbing weekend. What if something was on tv and it’s never shown again.

Sarge - "I Took You Driving" - I'm just so sick of boys in bands with all these egos out of hand. Sure as hell not gonna sit around and wait. If he wants some girl to understand, turn adoration on demand, I think it's time he starts looking some other place. - Where was this when I was in college????

onelinedrawaing - "Bitte Ein Kuss" - It's time for a bit of in the bed disco.

Juliana Hatfield - "Forever Baby" - I hold him like a loaded gun, I know he might go off with anyone.

The Lemonheads - "Alison's Starting To Happen" - She is the puzzle piece behind the couch, which makes the sky complete.

More to come... Any favorite lyrics of yours???

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Ride In iPod Playlist

So I thought that it might be interesting for all you bloggyverse people to know what I listen to on the ride in to HELL (East Providence, RI) every morning. It's not that I hate my job, I just hate the location of it. Bloody Washington Bridge!

The Sound of Settling - Death Cab for Cutie
Bitte Ein Kuss - onelinedrawing
I Took You Driving - Sarge
Beverly Hills - Weezer
I Wonder Why the Wonder Falls - Andy Partridge
Alex Chilton - The Replacements
All For Swinging You Around - The New Pornographers
Am I Wrong - Lovespitlove

This is the point when I normally get to work, so this second part is technically "The Ride Back"

Best Imitation of Myself - Ben Folds
Back and To The Left - Texas Is the Reason
If I Can't Change Your Mind - Sugar
Green Light - Jeremy Toback
Guernica - Brand New
Movies - Alien Ant Farm
Alec Eiffel - The Get Up Kids
Wave of Mutilation - The Pixies

I just need to add "Sugar, We're Going Down" by Fall Out Boy and I think it will be perfect!

I hope you have enjoyed this installment of Erin's iPod playlist... Brought to you by the letter I and the number 4.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween with Liam!

So Halloween was fun. Bill had the day off (in exchange for working on Columbus Day), so I left work early and came home to have lunch and watch "The Great Pumpkin" (or as the kids pronounce it, punkin) with my "baby" and my baby. Then we got Liam dressed and went back up to my work to show him off to my colleagues. Now, did I mention that I LOATHE the location where I work. It took us 45 minutes to get there, at 2 PM... No one should be on the road at 2 PM. Then on the way from my work to Bill's work, Liam started freaking out, because he was hungry, so Bill hopped out of the car and fed Liam in the back seat, while I navigated the back roads of Providence. Then we visited Bill's colleagues and then went to my parents house. Liam was amazingly good throughout the day. We went over to my best friend's dad's house at night, to visit with her family. Jill's sister Pam has a daughter, Emma, that is about 3 1/2 months older than Liam, and she was so cute. She dressed up as a flower and HATED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. She cried and she cried! I've got cute pictures to prove it!

Liam and I before we started our Halloween festivities.

Grrr... I'm a dinosaur. I'm going to eat you!

Liam and Bill hanging out at my parents house.

Liam eating Dino.

Emma having a nervous breakdown and Liam not caring. He's such a boy... :-)

Getting ready for bed that night.

Bizzare, but I'm bored...

You're The Enter Key!You're the grounded, focused one. You have goals
that you always strive for, and you aren't
afraid of a little self-discipline. You're a
true friend who values loyalty. Just try to
loosen up a bit.

What computer key are you?
brought to you by