We got Liam an Exersaucer (well, Baby Einstein stationary entertainer... bah) last weekend for him to play in. Take a look at what a big boy he is!

His feet just barely touch the bottom on the lowest setting, but he's still a big boy. At his four-month check up he was 16.3 lbs (75th percentile) and 26 3/4 inches long (97th percentile). He's long and lean, just like his daddy!
Aww, he's playing with the sun. He really liked the sun. He kept laughing at it, since it has a rattle inside.
Now he's declared war on the sun! I will kill thee! Never surrender! Attica!
Anyway - he's doing really well. He's such a cutie! He loves hanging out with my dad during the day. I watched him eat his cereal with my dad this morning and it's amazing. He'll eat the cereal and then look at my dad and open his mouth, like "gimme more!" And if you pause to, say, clean off his face, he FREAKS! He's like "no! I want more cereal now!!" Ahhh... A boy with no patience. Just like his mommy!
God he is getting so big we really have to get together soon!!!!!!!
I know! Are you going out tomorrow night? Bill has the night off and we're visiting my parents and Jill's dad, but if you're going to be around at some point, I could bring Liam by to show you his costume.
Ugh, I never checked this until today and now it is too late. Blah..well we have to plan something. I have Veterans day off which is a friday are you off that day.
I'm going up to North Conway, NH that day, but I'm not sure at what time. I'll let you know when I know more.
Oh! And there is a website for NKHS Class of 96: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nkhs1996reunion/ - Dot Madison sent me an email on it.
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