But regardless. It was a fun day. Here are some of the highlights!

I am tempting Liam with a refreshing apple treat! He wants none of it.

This was taken moments before a complete Liam breakdown, in which he decided, in no uncertain terms, that he wanted his bottle NOW!

Here is Bill and Liam at Bryant, when we went to visit Bill after the apple picking debacle.
So... All in all, it wasn't the worst day in history. It was just really stressful to have Liam in the front-pack, which he doesn't really enjoy to begin with, and have him be hungry and have to feed him whilst sitting on a bale of hay and taking a hayride. Then to be around really annoyingn families who are also apple picking, but have 2349782049857230498 kids with them. So I think that it would have been much more enjoyable if Bill had been able to come with us. But oh well.
I may be the least photogenic person ever.
Apple picking, I have thought of taking Felicity apple picking thought it could be good times, however after the fits she has thrown the last 2 days in a row, I wonder how it would be if she did that in a public place........ not looking forward to it at all.
i would wholeheartedly endorse a "erin tempts liam with..." series of photos. very cute, the apple and the pumpkin.
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