Liam has learned how to say SEVERAL words, including "show" (for Jack's Big Music Show), "toes," "snow," "door," "up," "down," "bye bye," "car," "go," and "cold!" He says a lot of other things too, but I just can't think of them at the moment. He loves to watch "The Muppet Movie" and when we watched it on Sunday night, and I paused it right before the gang meets Gonzo, Liam went up to the TV and started going "bock, bock, bock." FOR THE CHICKEN! He's a genius! The next TV geek, I'm telling ya!!
Enjoy some photos!

This is officially the most recent picture - since I took it about an hour ago! He was running back to the couch to watch his Rachael (which he did say once!) and eat some cheese!

AND NOW! WITHOUT FURTHER ADO - Liam's myspace photos, should he get a myspace account at the age of 20 months! I think the second one is more emo, but he looks so much like Bill in the first one!!

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