Anyway, hi folks! Erin's husband Bill here. Erin went to bed super early tonight, so she wanted me to go on her blog and write an entry commemorating the fact that today is Liam's six month birthday.
Six months. Wow. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. It's really amazing. But even more amazing is how far we've all come in that time. Six months ago, they handed us this wrinkled, wiggly little guy and basically said "hey, here ya go, don't screw up!" You'd think a major life upheaval like that would come with instructions or something, but no, you'd be wrong. The early days were manic, frightening, and very, very tiring. Any first-time parent who tells you differently is lying. But gradually, we got used to him, and he got used to us, and now the whole parenthood thing is just another part of our everyday lives. An amazing and blessed part, but still... this is what we do now, it's just another aspect of life. But - and I can only speak for myself here, though I'm sure Erin does this, too - every now and then, it all still takes me by surprise, the daily reality of it all slips away, and I just have to say to myself, "wow." And I hope I never lose the "wow-ness" of this whole parent/child thing, because even if it does just make up another aspect of your life, it's still a pretty miraculous happening when all's said and done.
Okay, enough philosophizing; as Erin can attest, I'm tend to get a bit sentimental. Today wasn't only Liam's six month birthday, but also his six month doctor's appointment, so here's the tale of the tape on that. The boy weighs in at 19.6 pounds and is 28 inches long, putting him in the 90th percentile of kids his age for height and weight (meaning 10 percent or fewer children his own age are any bigger). I don't remember the exact head measurement, but it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 45 centimeters; considering the size of the rest of him, this is a little smallish, which I'm hoping means that maybe he won the genetic lottery and didn't inherit my enormous noggin. But still, all around, he's a big kid. As big as a lot of 1 year olds, in fact. Though it's not like he's fat, either... he's just a big boy. There's a lot of height on both sides of the family. And as one of my aunts likes to remind me - entirely too often, in fact - I was the biggest baby she ever saw, so genetically speaking, Liam comes by it naturally enough.
So happy half birthday, Liam. Mommy and Daddy love you very much, always and forever.
And thanks for reading, folks! Erin will be back with the next entry, and she'll most likely spend a lot less time waxing philosophical than I just did. She's good like that.
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