Liam loves Laurie Berkner. If you haven't heard her music and you have a child under the age of six, you are a bad parent. She rules! She's on Jack's Big Music Show all the time now and she's super bouncy and fun. Liam loves Laurie Berkner. She has an effect not unlike baby heroin. He will sit and stare at the TV for upwards of 20 minutes when she is on screen. So needless to say, I had to buy the tickets for him.
BUT! He got a cold on Thursday, and then Bill got a cold on Friday and I got a cold on Friday night, so Saturday morning was pretty miserable, not to mention BOSTON GOT COLD on Saturday... See... I'm clever.
But we walked around Boston for a few hours before the show. They wouldn't let us take flash photography, so my pictures looked like they were taken in a coal mine - so I've updated them with the help of PICASA (woo!). But they're still pretty bad...

Then this morning, since it was actually SUNNY and not in the 30s, we decided to go for a walk in Wickford and be tourists in our own neighborhood.