Here's a picture of Lily in her Dora tent. This tent is freakin' huge! Like bigger than an apartment in NYC, at least!! You should check out Lily's blog, since she's freakin' genius! Bill and I watched "Spellbound" last night and we're convinced that Lily is the next National Spelling Bee Champion, sans the awkward social issues.

This is Lily playing "Tickle tickle" with Liam. Liam loved every minute of it! He loved playing with Lily, because she's his own size!! He has even started saying "Bye Bye" and "Night Night" just since we saw her on Wednesday! She's such a good influence on him!

This is BY FAR my favorite picture of Liam at Christmas! We got him this little wooden ladybug that is on a spring that jumps up and down when you pull on her. He absolutely loved it, but has since been knocked on the head probably 2 or 3 times (and we've only been home since Thursday!!). He's such a drama king!! :)

The look on his face is precious! He's like - hmm... I see all of these new toys, but how do I get back to my farm? And what's with the freakin' bow, daddy?? Liam was not really all about the presents. He opened a couple, but whenever there was a lot of noise and a lot of action, he pretty much walked into a different room. Since my dad watches him by himself and he's never in a room with more than four adults, I don't think that he likes being around a lot of people. But that's quite alright with me!

Liam playing with his Elmo toolbench - Santa dropped it off at Grandma Grandma's house by accident, but they made sure that it got over to Liam!

Liam possibly singing?? on the couch on Christmas morning. He's a big boy now and likes to have his food not all cut up, but whole, and put on a plate, thank you very much. He will then bring the plate to the couch or table to eat. What a sweetheart! Here, he's eating lemon poppy seed bread and actually liking it! I think I'm going to have to start making carrot or zucchini bread, just to get some veggies into him!

Liam playing with Aunt Rose's toy on Christmas Eve at Grandma & Grandpa Degnan's house. Liam LOVED this toy. It has a puzzle AND a door! He was in heaven!

I though this picture was so sweet. If you look closely, you can see that Liam is holding Grandpa's hand. Grandpa's not doing so great and I think Liam is really keen in knowing that sometimes, a person just likes to have their hand held. And Bill is a supreme photographer for capturing this moment. Thanks, honey!

The first photographic proof that my grandparents do in fact have FOUR great grandchildren! We've never successfully gotten a picture of all of them together at once! Donna's kids are such hams!! Whereas Liam and Connor want nothing to do with the camera. Also, Liam was on the verge of a nap-neglected nervous breakdown.

Liam and I hanging out in Grandpa's room. It was really noisy in the living room, so we took a moment to have some quiet time.

Lindsey was playing Santa Claus and never to give up the chance to sit on Santa's lap, Bill jumped right on.

Have a wonderful New Years. Due to a pending cold and forecasted craptastic weather, our New Years Eve will consist of watching XMen 3 and going to bed. But it's actually become something of a tradition to watch XMen on New Years Eve, so I'm just going to go with it. So yeah - Happy New Year and be safe!