Here he is laughing at my mother, who keeps saying "Ma ma!" to him. He thought it was absolutely hilarious.
Liam has his dad's sense of humor. I was opening my car registration the other night and it had those tabs that you have to tear off, like on a paycheck, and Liam starts looking over at me and laughing hysterically! I'm like, okay. Apparently this is the funniest thing in the world to him. And last night, I was holding a piece of paper that I got in the mail, while I was holding Liam, and he started to grab for the paper, but could only really bat at it, so he started laughing at that! Weird kid. :)
As you can see, Liam is not a fan of socks and drools like a madman! But his little train outfit was so cute!
Okay - I was just in the middle of sending out an email for work and forgot about it, though I had already sent it, and saw it sitting on my computer, waiting to be sent. MOMMY BRAIN IN FULL EFFECT!